The Road to Recovery – Looking out for Vulnerable Families After COVID-19

June 2020

In these last few months, CCT have been busy on the ground in Battambang.

When COVID-19 swept through the country, widespread closures and stalling industry saw many vulnerable families struggling with widespread job losses. Without government support to reply on, many families were living day to day, not knowing if they would have enough money to feed their families or pay their rent.

At times of crisis, vulnerable families and their children are at a higher risk than most.

So our CCT teams got to work.

Since COVID-19 risks were first confirmed in Cambodia in March, our teams have identified:

97 families at risk of losing their income and therefore unable to support their family members.

113 new cases were received from the Emergency Hotline team for support from CCT. This is a 114% increase from the previous month’s calls.

1419 children and their caregivers have been provided with awareness-raising training on COVID19 prevention and hand washing workshops.

20,343 meals delivered to children in their homes (2 meals per day)

Approximately 225 children are being supported with educational material in their homes so that they can continue learning during school closures.

31 families have been visited and assessed by our medical outreach team as they are at risk of COVID19 spread because one or more family members have a cough, fever or related symptom.

35 families have been provided with emergency food supplies.

59 public high school teachers trained in using Microsoft teams for online learning during COVID19 school closures.

66% of the youth CCT are working with have had their employment paused or stopped during the last two months.

The social impacts of COVID-19 don’t stop with the virus. Like many other countries, Cambodia’s road to economic recovery will be a long one.

With your support, we can continue to give families in Battambang hope for the future.

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