Devid, Daven and Davy’s Story – From the slum to the schoolyard

February 2020

Siblings, Devid, 9, Daven, 8, and Davy, 5, live in the slum in Kammakor Village.

Since the Kammakor Slum Transformation project has begun, CCT social workers have worked with families to enrol the children from this community into one of CCT’s Youth Centres. At the Youth Centre they can access basic needs that they don’t currently have at home, such as clean drinking water, nutritious meals, hygiene and sanitation facilities and access to healthcare.

Devid and Daven, were not going to school when CCT began working with them. Devid had been to school in the past when he lived with his grandma, but his younger brother Daven, who is 8 years old, had never been to school. As soon as the siblings started attending the Youth Centre, a plan was made to get them enrolled into public school, and to enrol Davy into public preschool.

CCT social workers assisted the family to register for birth certificates so they could enrol in school. While waiting for their birth certificates to arrive, Devid and Daven began tutoring and taking extra classes at the Youth Centre to help prepare them for school.

At the start of December, the three children were enrolled in public school and preschool while continuing to attend the Youth Centre each day.

After the Kammakor Slum Transformation project is finished, the family will have a small, safe and secure home of their own. CCT social workers will continue working with the family to make empowerment plans for their future.

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