Returning to school – Lyhour’s Story

September 2020

Single mum Van was pregnant with her second child when she was reunited with her son Lyhour. She really wanted to keep her children with her but wasn’t sure she could do it on her own.

CCT’s Village Hive model of child protection is embedded within local communities, encouraging everyone to look out for one another. When Lyhour’s teachers noticed he was missing school regularly, they checked in with our Village-based social workers to see what support was available to this family.

Through practical support and a long-term plan towards self-sufficiency Lyhour’s family can continue to send him and his five cousins to school.

Lyhour can’t wait to return to school with his teachers and friends when schools reopen to students across Cambodia this month.

Education for children is a fundamental part of breaking the intergenerational bonds of poverty.

Your monthly donations ensure kids like Lyhour never have to miss a day of school again.

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