A Story of Girls and Their Robots

October 2017

It’s International Day of the Girl Child and with it, the perfect opportunity to reflect on the powerful ripple effect that investing in girls has on families, communities and even countries.

It’s also a great day to tell you about all the amazing girls (and boys) who participated in CCT’s Ninja course. Our Ninja course gives dedicated students from local high schools the chance to study advanced ICT skills during their school holidays, including robotics. Samieat, CCT’s Head ICT Teacher, said that 50% more girls participated in this year’s Ninja course compared to last year.

“The two overall winners were both girls. They both excelled and it was extremely impressive to see what they were able to achieve.”

In small teams, students made robots using Lego Mindstorms and MicroBot kits and programmed them to complete a range of tasks, including stopping and going at different signals, drawing, driving in a rectangle shape and even battling other robots (the sumo challenge).

Sovannrath, 16, who topped the class, said she was grateful to have the opportunity to study robotics and learn so much about coding.

“I didn’t have any skills in this area before so it feels pretty amazing to discover what I’m capable of,” she said.

“Our team won the sumo challenge which was very exciting!”

“The most challenging part was getting the robot to follow the line because there were very sharp corners.”

Sovannrath said she would like to be a teacher when she’s older.

Access to education allows children to reach their true potential and CCT’s Ninja course helps promising young people realise just how capable they are and that they can do anything — even program a robot.