Ou Char Village Hive

Ou Char was the first commune to establish a Village Hive. Operations began in 2022 and since then, the results speak for themselves. Read on to hear stories from the Ou Char community themselves, reports from the local leaders and discover the impact of the Village Hive.



2023 Report from Ou Char’s Commune Chief,

Em Sophal

I am very honoured that CCT invited me to share my thoughts about Ou Char Commune’s Village Hive.

Our Village Hive is a collaboration between Ou Char and CCT. The formal handover from CCT to Ou Char was in December 2022, but we have worked together hand in hand for quite a long time before that, nearly two years, since October 2020.

Em Sophal
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I am sure you already know about CCT’s mission not to run their programs privately but instead, integrate them into the local public sector so the Ou Char Council can take responsibility and lead our own social services programs.

The Village Hive in Ou Char Commune has one primary social worker who leads the social support services programs. She represents the Commune Council for Women and Children (CCWC). She is leading our Village Hive team. However, when there are high-risk cases, I and other council members join in to help and provide solutions to the cases. The Ou Char Council teams, all Village Chiefs, Police Chiefs, and many more teams are involved and work together for our Village Hive.

We have so much joy and happiness that CCT has provided us with more human resources, funds, and activities
to create the Village Hive that supports people in our Ou Char community.

We now have a community centre in our public school that supports children in crisis who lack education. Through that program, we provide support to children who are in need. We currently have 41 children enrolled in that program.

They come to get an education, and if they are absent, we have Project Officer Mrs Nov Leakena from CCWC, who investigates and assists those children back into the program.

We are on track and preventing every possible risk for those vulnerable children. We find the reasons why they are missing school, and if they face any problem in life or their family, we can now help them resolve it.

If children are falling behind in their studies and cannot catch up to their peers, we have staff who keep track of them and support them in every lesson they need. We now have staff in our public school who help vulnerable
children with homework and after-school care until 4 pm when they return to their homes.

The Village Hive is such a huge benefit for our community. As Commune Chief, I am so happy and full-hearted.

I am passionate about giving all my energy and full cooperation to our Village Hive.

We are the Ou Char leaders and are determined to serve our people with all the benefits they deserve.

From our focus groups

It was an honour to listen as they talked about their lives and the Village Hive Project. It was evident from their reflections that they were gaining knowledge and changing the way they raised their children and interacted with one another. The community believes that their public services are improving and trust is growing, and as a result, families are asking for help when they need it. All who attended mentioned feeling proud of using public services in their community. They now know about their rights, and their confidence in the Village Hive Project shines through.

Jedtha, CCT Co-Founder

My kids can go to school, and I have time to work or earn a living. I've improved my standard of living. My children help more with household chores, have life skills and are more engaged to do their homework.

Ou Char Focus Group Participant

There are many improvements in our community, including improved services from the health centre, good quality education, the commune provides good services and responds quickly, and the Village Hive staff provide good service and are helpful. The public schools are clean, have flower gardens, are not allowed to sell energy drinks anymore, and have regular meetings with parents. The health clinic is reasonably priced, fast and flexible and now has enough medicine to support the community.

Ou Char Focus Group Participant

I have more confidence to deliver services to the community as because I have a clear plan and regular meetings, we are working effectively together as a team, I receive technical support, have clear policies, budgets and guidelines and I can see the benefits for children and families in my community.

Local Leader

I have noticed many changes in the community, such as families engaging with teachers and schools, parents setting a good example for their children, parents encouraging children to go to school regularly, families getting jobs and vocational training skills, violence is greatly reduced, the family has the authority to decide their own affairs, families understand the services they can receive, families have stable jobs and income and migration is prevented, every child can access education, and alcohol consumption has reduced.

Local Leader

Families share information with their neighbours and there is promotion of the Village Hive in the community. There is increased trust in the community and the commune has better public services and clear solutions to provide to families. The Village Hive helps improve the standard of living.

Local Leader

Impact Case Studies

Sreyta’s income soars from $6 to $50

Makara’s unwavering determination to bring her child home

How community-centric healthcare transformed Sothea’s journey with HIV

Village Hive support creates a new future for Poung and her children

Mao’s journey from struggling to afford water to saving $400 per month

How a widowed mother’s business led to daughter’s thriving education

Landmine explosion survivor empowered to lift entire family out of poverty

Impact reports

Click below to see the past reports for the Ou Char Village Hive.

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